‘Akane’ Category
Deductive reasoning and visual representations
0August 24, 2016 by Akane Kuma
Recently, I’ve been working on my math IA titled: GDP per capita and life expectancy. The aim of this IA …
keep readingCategory Akane | Tags: accuracy, deductive reasoning, graphs, pictures
The accuracy of a model
0July 29, 2016 by Akane Kuma
Why GDP is not a good indicator of a nation’s well-being or standard of living is a familiar topic for …
keep readingCategory Akane | Tags: accuracy, model, social science
Language and Memories
0July 29, 2016 by Akane Kuma
Coming back to Japan has always been a moment of realization for me. Living in Shanghai for over ten years, …
keep readingCategory Akane | Tags: knowledge, memory
To what extent is personal identity reliable?
1June 30, 2016 by Akane Kuma
I am sure most of you are positive about your own identity–I am the same person mom and dad brought …
keep readingCategory Akane | Tags: memory, personal identity
Language and communication
2May 30, 2016 by Akane Kuma
During my CAS Trip to Qingdao, I had a chance to interact with people with autism and down syndrome. I …
keep readingCategory Akane | Tags: communication, language